40th Anniversary
"The Poet and the Poem"
Featured Barbara Goldberg
Click here for Barbara Goldberg & Nancy Carlson.wav
BARBARA GOLDBERG authored five prize-winning poetry books, including the Felix Pollak Prize for The Royal Baker's Daughter. She also translated Israeli poet Moshe Dor's work in Scorched by the Sun, which received support from the Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature. Goldberg and Dor translated four anthologies of contemporary Israeli poetry, including After the First Rain: Israeli Poems on War and Peace. Goldberg has received two fellowships from the NEA as well as awards in translation, fiction and speechwriting. Her work appears in the Gettysburg Review, Poetry and elsewhere. In 2016, Goldberg, as Series Editor of the Word Works' International Editions, selected and co-translated Handful of Salt, poems by Kurdish poet Kajal Ahmad.
Featured Nancy Naomi Carlson
Nancy Naomi Carlson is a poet, translator, essayist, and editor, as well as a recipient of a literature translation fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. She has also received grants from the Maryland Arts Council and the Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County. Author of three prize-winning non-translated titles, Carlson has published four collections of poetry translations, including The Nomads, My Brothers, Go Out to Drink from the Big Dipper (Seagull Books, 2015) by Abdourahman Waberi, from Djibouti, which was a finalist for the BTBA (Best Translated Book Award). www.nancynaomicarlson.com