The Poet and the Poem
2023-24 Series

Featured William Heath
Click here for William Heath podcast.mp3
William Heath taught American literature and creative writing at Kenyon, Transylvania, Vassar, the University of Seville, and Mount Saint Mary's University, where he retired as a professor emeritus. The William Heath Award is given annual to the best student writer. He has published three books of poetry, The Walking Man, Steel Valley Elegy, and Going Places; two chapbooks, Night Moves in Ohio, and Inventing the Americas; three novels: The Children Bob Moses Led (winner of the Hackney Award), Devil Dancer, and Blacksnake's Path; a work of history, William Wells and the Struggle for the Old Northwest (winner of two Spur Awards and the Oliver Hazard Perry Award); and a collection of interviews, Conversations with Robert Stone. In 2023 he received the Hiram College Lifetime Achievement Award. He lives in Annapolis, Maryland.