The Poet and the Poem
2021-22 Series

photo credit Tom Goodwin
Featured Terence Winch
Click here for Terence Winch.mp3
Terence Winch's most recent book is a young adult novel called Seeing-Eye Boy (2020). He is the author of eight poetry collections, the most recent of which is The Known Universe (2018). A Columbia Book Award and American Book Award winner, he has also written two story collections, Contenders and That Special Place. His work is included in more than 40 anthologies, among them the Oxford Book of American Poetry, Poetry 180, and 5 editions of Best American Poetry. He is the recipient of an NEA Fellowship and a Gertrude Stein Award for Innovative Writing, among other honors. Terence Winch is also a founding member of the original Celtic Thunder, the acclaimed Irish band, and composer of the band's best-known song, "When New York Was Irish." For many years he was Head of Publications at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian. From 2011-13, he was a consultant to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, helping to plan the museum's inaugural books. In 2020, Winch began curating a feature on the Best American Poetry's blog called "Pick of the Week."